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Denver Airplane Crash Attorneys



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Denver Airplane Crash Lawyers

We often think about accidents taking place in a car, or when we’re riding a bike. But aviation accidents are part of life as well — and they’re not always as publicized as you might think.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board, there were 257 aviation incidents in Colorado between 2010 and 2014 — that’s more than one a week.

Lamber Goodnow Injury Lawyers, together with our partner firms throughout Colorado have aviation professionals on staff to help you and your family after an aviation incident, including a plane crash, helicopter accident or another aviation-related issue. Whether you suffered from a malfunctioning product or an outright crash, you need to be protected and compensated for your injuries and pain and suffering.

We’re prepared to help you in aviation incidents that occur in these types of crafts:

  • Commercial airplanes
  • Single-engine planes
  • Helicopters
  • Military aircraft
  • Air ambulances
  • Private jets
  • Sea planes
  • Prop planes

airplane accident lawyers denver

Your Aviation Incident Case

From our Denver office, our attorneys, in partnership with firms in Colorado can help you and your family through the process. We’ll investigate the scene, review the history of the aircraft as well as the pilot, check the maintenance record and flight records, and help determine the cause of the accident. From there, we can help to establish liability, and prove whether your injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence.
If you’ve been in an incident, it’s important to cooperate with officials, but not to agree to anything that an insurance company proposes to you. You shouldn’t speak to insurance companies without an attorney present. You’ll find that the insurance company wants to quickly settle your matter and move on — they don’t want you to find out the root cause of your aviation incident.

FAQs: Aviation Accidents Colorado

Q: Do state or federal laws control air travel?

A: The Federal Government controls laws that regulate air navigation. Under the Federal Aviation Act of 1958, Congress created the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and empowered the FAA to oversee and regulate safety in the airline industry in American airspace by both civilian and military aircraft.  The Act excludes local or state governments from enacting or enforcing any rule, law, standard, regulation, or other provision relating to routes, rates or services of any air carrier operating interstate authorized under the Act.

However, the Act does not limit State, political subdivision of State, or political authority of one that owns or operates an airport of their proprietary powers and rights.[1]

Q: How long do I have to file a personal injury suit if I am involved in an aviation accident in Colorado?

A: In Colorado a lawsuit for personal injuries involving an aviation accident must be filed within three years of the date of the accident or time in which the suit may be filed will have expired and the plaintiff will not be allowed to file the claim. Col. Rev. Stat. 13-80-101(n).  The statute of limitations will be delayed if the plaintiff is under legal disability or is under the age of 18, and will resume when the disability is eliminated or the plaintiff reaches 18.[2]

However, under Colorado law, if a lawsuit is brought against a local entity or its employees for any personal injury, it must be filed within two years of the date of the incident. Col. Rev. Stat. 13-80-102(1)(h).

Additionally, if the plaintiff is bringing an aviation lawsuit against law enforcement officials it must be filed within one year of the date of when the cause of action accrued.[3]

Q: What are some of the causes of a plane crash?

A: It is difficult to think of a tragedy that is worse than a plane crash.  Poor design, defective parts, faulty maintenance, malfunctioning equipment and pilot error may be some of the causes of a plane crash.

Q: What special duties of care do Illinois air carriers owe their passengers?

A: An airplane is considered a common carrier. Therefore, an airplane has a duty to its passengers to use the highest degree of care in proportion with the practical operation of the business.[4]  Furthermore, a common carrier has a duty to refrain from creating any condition that would subject its passengers to a risk of injury.[5]

Many air carrier accidents are caused by privately owned or operated aircrafts and not commercial aircrafts. Unlike commercial aircrafts, which must follow a higher degree of care due to federal regulations, privately owned air carriers must only use reasonable care towards passengers to prevent injury.

Q: Who may be responsible for my personal injuries caused by an aviation accident?

A: Under the Federal Torts Claim Act, a claim for personal injury or death may be brought against the United States if caused by an employee of the government who was acting within the scope of their employment when the negligent act occurred. An example is personnel guiding the plane during takeoff or landing, or air traffic control tower operators.

A claim may also be brought against a pilot, airline or parts manufacturer for wrongful death, product liability or negligence.

Q: If a loved one or myself is injured or killed in an aviation accident what types of damages may we receive?

A: If you have been injured in an aviation accident you may recover damages for your past and future lost wages, past and future medical expenses, past and future pain and suffering, and emotional distress.

Additionally, if you or a loved one was killed in an aviation accident certain members of your family may receive economic (financial) and non-economic (pain and suffering, loss of consortium) damages under a wrongful death suit.

The Lamber Goodnow Injury Lawyers Difference

When you partner with the Lamber Goodnow Injury Lawyers’ legal team, you’re partnering with one of the strongest legal teams in the West. Our No-Fee Promise means you can be confident that you won’t be bogged down by legal bills while you’re recovering from your injury. When you hire us, you’re not responsible for out-of-pocket costs to handle your case. We cover those costs, and we only get paid if and when we get a favorable settlement or verdict for you.

It all starts with a consultation. To find out more about us, and our process, call us at (303) 800-8888 to chat with one of our intake specialists. This conversation is free, and you’re under no obligation to hire us. We’ll listen to you, answer your questions and learn about your story. From there, we can give you an outline of how we expect your case might proceed. If you’ve been injured, you need someone on your side.

Let us represent you today.

[1]  49 USCS §1305(b)(3).

[2]  Col. Rev. Stat. § 13-80-107.

[3]  Col. Rev. Stat. § 13-80-108(7); McGee v. Harina, 140 P.3d 165 (Colo. App, 2005).

[4]  Publix Cab Co. v. Fessler, 138 Colo. 547, 335 P.2d 865, 75 A.L.R.2d 979 (1959).

[5]  Id.


Lamber Goodnow Injury Lawyers
Phoenix, Arizona

602-ARIZONA (602-497-0192)
2394 E Camelback Rd #600
Phoenix, AZ 85016

Phoenix Office

Lamber Goodnow Injury Lawyers
Denver, Colorado

1330 Logan St Suite B2,
Denver, CO 80203

Denver Office

Lamber Goodnow Injury Lawyers
Tucson, Arizona

4023 E. Grant Rd Suite 101,
Tucson AZ 85712.

Tucson Office