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Home 9 Car Accidents 9 Why Do I Need An Auto Accident Lawyer?

Why Do I Need An Auto Accident Lawyer?

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There are several parties involved when a car accident happens. This can complicate the case further especially when trying to establish who is at fault. For the injured victim, well, they have to struggle with medical bills and loss of wages in the event that they are incapacitated. In addition to this, the murky waters of insurance claims and settlements are often hard to navigate. If you or a loved one have been involved in a car accident, it is prudent to seek the expertise of an auto accident lawyer. Granted, money is a concern especially if you have medical bills. However, most of these lawyers charge on a contingency basis. This means that they get paid after a successful resolution. If you are wondering why you need an auto accident lawyer, here’s why.

Knowledge of the law

When you are dealing with insurance adjusters and other parties, you need to have extensive knowledge of the law. There are certain procedural laws that are relevant to personal injuries and auto accidents at large. For starters, the person filing the claim needs to do so within the provisions of the statute of limitations. For instance, in many states, you cannot be allowed to file a claim after two years. If there are any exceptions to this statute, the lawyer will inform you.

Filing a lawsuit often involves heavy paperwork. On your own, you may not have the legal knowledge to know the relevant documents needed. In addition to this, the attorney needs to prepare defenses. Personal injury auto lawyers also play a critical role in case preparation. They have to anticipate the defenses of the opposing party. In some cases, these parties are more than one. It is important to note that not all cases can be settled out of court. In some cases going to court offers a stronger leverage to securing a better settlement. Remember that insurance companies have vast resources and they can hire good lawyers.

Gathering evidence

The strength of a case is heavily pegged on the quality of the evidence presented. This should start from pictures taken at the accident scene. The attorney also needs to gather witness testimony from the people who were at the scene of the accident. Police reports can also help to add credibility to a claim or prove who was at fault. If this is your first time making a claim, the process can be overwhelming, to say the least. The lawyer also needs to collect information on medical bills and employment records include lost wages as a result of the accident. It is best for the victim to focus on recovering as opposed to having to worry about the details of the lawsuit.

Estimating damages

One of the hardest tasks in auto and personal injury claims is determining what constitutes a fair settlement. The lawyer will consider the injuries and the symptoms the client is experiencing. He will also need to obtain a doctor’s report to assess the long-term effects of the injuries sustained. This information is used to calculate a fair settlement claim. Future medical costs can have heavy cost implications, and this is why victims need to have a complete list of the symptoms and how they have affected the claimant’s life.

Keeping the client in check

Part of the duty of the lawyer is to help the client not to engage in behavior that would jeopardize the case. Once you have made a claim as a victim, you need to remember that your actions will be under scrutiny. The defense will use anything that can make them pay less for the claim. Any unquestionable behavior can affect the credibility of the claim. For instance, being caught drunk and disorderly will paint a negative picture. What you post on social media pages can also be used to taint your claim. For instance, going for a hike with friends immediately after an accident can be used to argue that the injuries sustained were not serious. The lawyer will advise you on how to conduct yourself during the claims process.

As evidenced, auto accident cases are complicated. To give yourself the best chance, it is wise to enlist the expertise of an auto accident attorney.

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