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Home 9 Scholarships 9 Congratulations To Our 2017 Summer Scholarship Winners!

Congratulations To Our 2017 Summer Scholarship Winners!

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The Lamber Goodnow legal team is proud to announce this year’s winners of the Lamber Goodnow Education Summer Scholarships!

Summer College Scholarship

Sasha Yerokhin: Yerokhin has a passion for serving underrepresented communities, beginning with her time spent volunteering at orphanages in the Ukraine before her family immigrated to the United States. For the past eight years she has collaborated with physician assistants, and given Yerokhin’s desire to help people and effect change she now wants to be a part of the next generation of providers. A graduate of the University of Washington, Yerokhin was recently admitted for graduate study at the University of Utah in the program of Physician Assistant Studies (MPS).

Summer Law School Scholarships  (Tie voting – two scholarships awarded in this category!)

Joelle Freeman: Freeman has been accepted by the Georgetown University Law Center where she’ll begin studying this fall. As a child, Freeman and her family escaped Liberia’s civil war, but the experience led Freeman to pursue a career in the law where she could have a positive impact on others who were less fortunate. One day, she hopes to work for a governmental or non-profit organization that works toward improving human rights.

Tri Truong:
Truong is a second-year transfer student at the SMU Dedman School of Law with a passion to become a trial lawyer and to promote social justice through the application of law. On a trip to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Truong witnessed a culture of corruption and top-down lawlessness, and since then, Truong has been devoted to the transformative power of law in our society.

Windy City Summer College Scholarship

Zeina Alkhalaf: Alkhalaf, a student at George Mason University, has a sense of global health consciousness and a passion for education. She started an organization called “Raising Smiles” with a mission of bringing the children of war-torn Iraq a much higher level of medical treatment. Alkhalaf hopes to foster the development of comprehensive knowledge and skills in public health, and to play an integral role in advocating for public health proactively and positively in our society.

Windy City Law School Scholarship

Dina Lexine Sarver: Sarver was motivated to become a lawyer after her father and seven other people perished in a church van after it drove straight into a canal in Moore Haven, Florida. With the help of personal injury attorneys, it was proven that if the city had properly marked the road with a sign that signaled that the road was a dead-end, and had put up guardrails, the people lost in the van accident may be alive today. Sarver has been committed to becoming an attorney and seeking justice ever since this tragic accident.

Congratulations again to our esteemed finalists, and many thanks to everyone who entered our summer scholarships program this year. We truly believe that knowledge equals power, and encourage you to continue pursuing your education goals.

For more information about our next round of scholarship opportunities, please visit the Lamber Goodnow Injury Law Team Education Scholarships page.

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