Bus Accident Lawyers in Phoenix, AZ
99% Success Rate
550+ 5-Star Reviews
$0 Fee Unless We Win
Won or Settled*99% Success Rate.
Over 550 5 Star Reviews
No Fee PromiseNo fee unless you get paid.
Phoenix Bus Accident Lawyers
You may be in shock: How did this happen to you or your loved one?
Count on us to aggressively pursue your bus accident case.
Well-versed attorneys with knowledge of bus cases.
Our attorneys are driven and focused on your best possible recovery. If you or a loved one was seriously injured following an accident involving a bus in Arizona, the Southwest or anywhere in the United States, you need independent legal representation to protect your best interests. Do not agree to anything with an insurance company representative or government official before speaking with an experienced auto accident attorney.
The Lamber-Goodnow Injury Law Team has offices throughout Arizona and the Southwest. We can meet with you at your convenience. Our Phoenix-based bus accident attorneys have experience handling injury and wrongful death cases against bus operators and municipalities throughout the country.
Whether the injury was caused in a public bus or tour bus accident, you have the right to pursue maximum compensation for your bus injury and damages.
Advocates For Victims’ Recovery
We thoroughly investigate each individual case that we handle and apply assertive litigation techniques to pursue the compensation our clients deserve. Bus driver negligence, bus company negligence and defective motor vehicle parts can lead to dangerous situations in which bus riders, drivers and pedestrians are at risk of severe injuries or death.
Our personal injury team is well-versed with the legal skills and knowledge necessary to achieve winning verdicts and settlements in a variety of situations, involving several types of buses, including:
- Public bus
- Tour bus
- School bus
- Charter bus
- Coach bus
- Other private bus
We hold bus companies accountable for negligent hiring, maintenance, driver training and other factors that endanger the public and bus drivers. Our aggressive, yet compassionate, litigators fight for you and your family.
Our No-Fee Promise
At Lamber-Goodnow, our lawyers offer free initial consultations, finance all costs of litigation and handle all communications with insurance companies and other defendants. Our clients pay us nothing unless we obtain a favorable verdict or settlement in their case, and we stand by our promise.
Contact Our Phoenix And Mesa Bus Crash Attorneys
To arrange a free initial consultation, please contact us online or call.