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Lamber Goodnow Personal Injury Articles and Posts

LG Editor


After 27 Years in Prison, Shabaka Shakur Begins A New Life Passionately Determined to Inspire and Help Others Who Have Been Wrongfully Accused of Crimes The story is mindboggling, and yet, it’s true. Like some made for TV crime movie, a 23-year-old man is arrested at...

The Right Stuff(ing)

Pardon Me Since 1947, the National Turkey Federation has presented a turkey to the president. Every year on Thanksgiving, the president “pardons” a thoughtfully selected turkey. President Truman was the first president to pardon one lucky turkey to live the rest of...

Should I Chip My Children to Keep Them Safe?

What Sounds Like Science Fiction Now May Be Coming Sooner Than You Think By Erin Ryan Goodnow It was a Sunday afternoon in a crowded department store, and my son was practicing his new skill, walking, with pride. For a second, I thought my husband was watching our...

‘Tis the Season

    What You Need to Know about Holiday Parties and Drinking and Driving The holiday season is a wonderful time to see family and friends, and enjoy the presence of loved ones at holiday festivities, office get-togethers and cocktail parties. However, as...

Do As I Say…And As I Do

Teaching your child to wear a helmet while riding a bike could save them from getting injured. With you as a model, the lesson will stick.  By Erin Ryan Goodnow As I pedaled down the road and out of my 3-year-old daughter’s sight, I still heard her crying. The “test...

Mean Streets Are Getting Even Meaner

If you drive in Phoenix, AZ, you already know all too well that it’s a dangerous town to maneuver in. Vast urban sprawl and lengthy commutes mean a lethal mix of high-speed driving combined with stop-and-start traffic, and statistically speaking, even if you’re a...

Your Small Business & Distracted Driving Don’t Mix

We’ve all been there. You’re in a hurry, late for an appointment and suddenly, you find yourself behind that car, driving erratically, or just super slow. Inevitably, as you’re able to make your way around them, the driver is either talking or texting on their phone....

Don’t Believe Me Just Watch

APPLE WATCH OS 2 Advanced wearable technology is of course all the rage at the moment, giving us yet another device to check in our world of oversaturated notifications and indeed, another piece of tech equipment to keep charged before rushing to your next meeting....

Wrongful death: elements and considerations

Reference is often made in the legal world to litigation predicated on wrongful death. What exactly is a wrongful death action? In answering that question, it might be useful to establish upfront what a wrongful death complaint is not, namely, a criminal action...