While the Pokémon phenomenon continues to transfix people all over the country, it had many holding their breath in anticipation of the first deadly accident. “Death by Pokémon is coming,” warns Gerry Beyer, Governor Preston E. Smith Regents Professor of Law at Texas...
Lamber Goodnow Personal Injury Articles and Posts
The Lamber Goodnow Legal Team Recommends a Proactive Approach to Ending Distracted Driving with a Combination of High-Tech Tools and Old School Common Sense The heat is on here in the valley of the sun, and across the nation, and many of you have teenagers on summer...
Keeping Track of Your Safe Drivers
The National Safety Council observes April as Distracted Driving Awareness Month to draw attention to this deadly epidemic. By Erin Ryan Goodnow As the mother of two small children, I can only dream of the day when my kids can drive themselves to school,...
Your Small Business & Distracted Driving Don’t Mix
We’ve all been there. You’re in a hurry, late for an appointment and suddenly, you find yourself behind that car, driving erratically, or just super slow. Inevitably, as you’re able to make your way around them, the driver is either talking or texting on their phone....