One of the great myths about motorcycle riders is that they are social rebels that have a “death wish.” This stigma comes from the portrayal of motorcycle riders as “evil” and “grungy” on TV shows and movies. For example, the stereotypical way of describing a motorcyclist is like this: large man with a beard, wearing sunglasses, and draped in a black leather jacket. Also, he has tons of tattoos and long hair.
This is the stereotype of motorcyclists — but, of course, not everyone is like that. In fact, that description rarely depicts what actual motorcyclists look like, or even act like.
Most people who own a motorcycle are just everyday people. Your neighbor; your coworker; a family friend; average people who have the same concerns as you. They just prefer to ride a motorcycle rather than a car. Does that make them more dangerous than other people? Absolutely not. They just like motorcycles.
It’s important to make this distinction because the stereotype of motorcyclists only hurts them when they are involved in an accident. People can be quick to blame the motorcycle rider. However, often times a motorcyclist is struck because another driver “didn’t see the motorcyclist.” This shouldn’t happen, but it is a common occurrence.
Such circumstances may have occurred in an Arizona motorcycle accident last month which caused the motorcycle rider to suffer fatal injuries. It is unclear what happened, but the police are investigating. It is known that the motorcyclist was struck by several motor vehicles.
Source: ABC 15, “Authorities investigate deadly motorcycle crash on Loop 101 and Broadway,” Dec. 17, 2013