It used to be an American’s right to refuse to buy health insurance, and the only penalty paid were the sky-high medical bills when you accidentally drove over a pedestrian’s toes, contracted an especially virulent case of jaundice, or encountered some other unplanned...
Lamber Goodnow Personal Injury Articles and Posts
Do I need to hire a personal injury attorney?
Some personal injury claims are relatively simple and obvious enough that there is really little need for a personal injury attorney when all parties are agreeable. But, claims that may be very valuable are often defended vigorously by the respondent insurance...
How Much of my Medical Expenses and Lost Wages Will PIP Pay?
Personal injury protection (PIP) insurance will pay for some or all of your medical expenses and lost wages after an accident. The amount that you receive depends on your policy limits prior to the accident. If that amount you receive from an insurance company doesn't...
What if I’ve been in an accident and the other party has no insurance?
The accident was traumatic enough. Now the other driver confesses that he has no insurance! Car insurance is mandatory for vehicles operating in most states, but many drivers operate without insurance, because they cannot afford it. Of course,there are also those who...
How much does it cost to speak with you about my situation?
One of the primary reasons that individuals who have suffered a personal injury do not contact an attorney immediately is that they think there will be a fee for the initial visit. While some attorneys who do not focus on personal injury law will charge a minimal...
What Should I Not Do If Injured In An Accident?
Being involved in an accident is a stressful experience. While it is often difficult to think clearly immediately after being injured, there are some things that must be done to ensure a favorable outcome. The following is an overview of what not to do after being...
How soon after an accident should I get a lawyer?
As soon as a careless or negligent driver crashes into you, you're thrown into a different world that you don't want to be in. Now, you may be injured, in pain and missing work. You may also be dealing with your own auto insurer, the auto insurer of the person who hit...
What is a structured settlement?
What Is Important To Know About A Structured Settlement When a plaintiff wins or settles a case for a large sum of money, they have the option of being paid using a structured settlement. Plaintiffs can take their financial award in a one lump sum. They can also...
What types of damages are generally available in personal injury cases?
The main goal of a personal injury case is to hold the responsible party accountable and to get compensation to cover a number of different “damages” that may have resulted from the accident. But these damages can actually include many different things, some of which...
How long does it take to resolve a personal injury case?
Personal injury claims are not equal in the amount of time it takes to process and finalize a claim. Injury cases can often be complicated issues that are defended strongly by the respondent insurance companies, and many times even getting benefits started can be...
Will I have to spend a lot of time working on the case?
When you’ve been injured at the fault of another individual, it is normal to want to seek compensation from the party at fault. Unfortunately, a personal injury case can take time, especially if you elect to go to court rather than coming to a settlement beforehand....
Who Pays My Medical Bills?
If you are injured in an accident, you may face thousands of dollars in medical expenses or more. Even if you have health insurance, your policy may not cover the total cost of all the surgeries you may need or the physical therapy needed to help you recover....
Who will pay for the wages I lost when I was too hurt to go to work?
If you have been injured in an accident caused by someone else's negligence, you undoubtedly have a number of important questions. Among these questions is likely who pays for wages you lost because you were too hurt to work. Considering this question initially...
What should I do if I’ve been hit by a Drunk Driver?
Alcohol related car accidents are an increasingly common problem today. According to the United States Center for Disease Control or CDC, lawmakers have enacted laws making it illegal to drive with a blood alcohol content over 0.08 percent. In addition to tougher...
What to look for in a personal injury lawyer
A personal injury lawyer provides legal representation to people who are in many ways at the lowest points in their lives. These are individuals who have been injured through no fault of their own. Indeed, they may suffer from very serious injuries which have...
How do I decide whether to sue or settle?
Getting in any kind of accident can leave you confused and frazzled, especially if the accident was the fault of another individual. Luckily, your personal injury lawyer has helped you file a personal injury claim. With hospital bills to pay, possible medical...