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Home 9 Car Accidents 9 Safe driving tips for teens during graduation season

Safe driving tips for teens during graduation season

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In a prior post, we highlighted the excitement that teen drivers may have about going to the prom with friends, or with someone they had been pining  over for months. With the end of the school year coming soon, the excitement about prom is likely turning to excitement about graduation from high school.  With graduations come celebrations. And while a majority of graduation parties are innocent and fun, some may include alcohol.

As such, teens and their parents should continue the conversations they had during prom season. This post will highlight some of those topics.

Realize that even you can be in a drunk driving accident – Yes, drunk driving can result in horrific accidents, many teens may not realize that they could be involved in one; especially given that they may not be sloppy drunk and disoriented while behind the wheel. However, knowing that it is a possibility may help them make better decisions about alcohol use.

Have a backup plan – If the person you drove with has had too much to drink (or is drinking period) make sure to have an alternate ride home. This is a great time to have the Uber app.

Wear your seatbelt – We must remind you that this is the law in Arizona, it can help you from being ejected from the vehicle in a crash.

Drive with common sense – The exhilaration from driving at high speeds can be intoxicating. But one thing to keep in mind is that many accidents emanate from driving at excessive speeds. So while driving 5-10 miles above the speed limit on the freeway has its dangers, driving 30 to 40 miles above it may not make sense.

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